Enabling ESG integration across the investment value chain
Blue Phoenix’s mission is to facilitate better investment decision-making. Better for the economy, the environment, and society. Better today, tomorrow, at the end of the century and beyond.
With the rise in the availability of types of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) data through corporate reporting, rating, and data agencies, the need for a translator between the stakeholders in the investment value chain increases. Doing that is at the core of Blue Phoenix’s business.

For investment managers
Investors are guided through the sustainable finance maze: selecting the right ESG data provider, integrating ESG into the investment process, and more.

For ESG raters
Rating agencies and other parties looking to create or optimize their ESG data collection and evaluation process get a best-in-class rating experience by engaging Blue Phoenix.

For companies
For companies, a range of investor reporting services is available. Helping the company understand what the expectation of the investor, or the rating agency as a middleman, is and translating that into investment relevant ESG reporting.